Constructive Landscapes

Golden ratio, the irrational number 1,6180339887…, geometry, constructivism, Torres Garcia, identity, the sea, the horizon…

built on the basis of the mathematical relationship between the parts

María Eugenia Muñoz

Those are my Guiding Principles and the elements that can be found in this series of landscapes, built on the basis of the mathematical relationship between the parts. Said relationship intends to "warrant" a certain balance and level of beauty.

These intimate landscapes not only identify me but are also a pursuit of my own character, of my roots that lay in that place where I come from, and of the road already travelled.

They are a journey that takes me to my beloved Montevideo Watercourse, in Uruguay… those marine horizons where so many times I found the irrational and harmonic balance I was searching for..


  • November 10, 10:25

    Wish you all the success in Amsterdam !


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